Pilot training from Prosperes Project in Greece

On Tuesday 04/07/2023, ProSPeReS initiated its 3rd Pilot Training (train-thetrainer) in Ioannina, Greece. The three-day event is organised by the @Holy Metropolis of Ioannina in cooperation with @Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) with the support of the @Hellenic Police. The trainees consist of religious staff and representatives of local Police, Fire Brigade and Civil Protection (LEAs, first responders), typically responsible for the protection of religious sites against manmade threats. The aim of the training is to enhance the security knowledge and awareness of competent local stakeholders in respect to novel means, methods and approaches that can be applied to enhance the protection of their religious sites.

The training curriculum comprises theoretical training, assessment and interactive exercises, discussion and a threat scenario based Virtual Reality (VR) demonstration.

The training concludes on Thursday 06/07/2023. So far, the participants have been very interested and engaged, providing much positive feedback!

Finally, we are very pleased to have @CARDET from Cyprus presentleading partner in the development of the training curriculum.