Program Szkolenia

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Program Szkolenia

Course name Program szkolenia Course category
Course summary text:


Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, program szkolenia zapewnia ustrukturyzowane i zorganizowane ramy dla nauki i rozwoju. Określa cele, treść i metodologie mające na celu wzmocnienie wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji w określonej dziedzinie lub dyscyplinie.

Course name Introductory Module (Trainer) Course category
Course summary text:

Module Summary

The introductory module serves as a foundational pillar to the subsequent content, ensuring readers and participants have a clear understanding of the project's background and objectives. It begins by shedding light on the project's genesis and its overarching aims. Following this, the module delves into the intricacies of the training programme and curriculum, laying out a broad perspective while underscoring its depth and range.

Course name Module 1 (Trainer) Course category
Course summary text:

Module Summary

This module equips learners with fundamental knowledge essential for contemplating the protection of Places of Worship (PWs) from potential terrorist threats. It examines these threats through three lenses: suitable targets, motivated offenders, and capable guardians. Initially, it elucidates the symbolic value of PWs and their crucial role in communities, factors that render them suitable targets. Subsequently, it explores the conditions that transform potential offenders into motivated ones, reviews ideological trends, types of terrorism prevalent in Europe, and emergent technologies that could be employed by such offenders. Finally, it integrates this information to pinpoint strategies by which PWs can leverage capable guardians to reduce their vulnerabilities and deter potential attacks.

Course name Module 2 (Trainer) Course category
Course summary text:

Module summary

Module 2 aims to introduce religious personnel, first responders and law enforcement agency (LEA) staff to contemporary concepts and tools (hard and soft) that can be implemented for increasing the protection of religious sites in the EU against terrorist and other human-made threats. Specifically, the module will review (i) the prevention and counteracting of terrorism; (ii) security-by-design; (iii) risk assessment; (iv) vulnerability assessment & tools; (v) technical solutions for places of worship (PWs); (vi) competencies and capacities of religious communities; and (vii) UAVs at PWs. This will be achieved through a mixture of theoretical training (presentations) covering various thematical UNITs and brainstorming sessions, or discussions, of case studies and interactive scenario-based exercises. Upon the completion of each UNIT, the trainees will be required to complete an Assessment Exercise in order for them to demonstrate their understanding of the taught material and for the trainers to verify that the training objectives have been met.

Course name Module 3 (Trainer) Course category
Course summary text:

Module Summary 

The aim of this module is to provide trainees with foundational knowledge, basic skills and expected behaviors that are to be utilised in order to prevent, recognise and react to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats at religious sites, such as terrorist attacks. More specifically, the module examines knowledge of elementary characteristics of CBRN agents, routes of exposure, prevention and protection measures towards these hazards. Moreover, it provides skills on applying publicly available applications that facilitate the recognition of hazards and the appropriate reactions and behaviours to potential CBRN scenarios developments. The key target group includes clergy, worshippers, PW administrators, religious event organizers and participants, as well as professional, volunteer, and spontaneous first and second responders (especially those whose daily routine does not necessarily relate to CBRN; although, they might be first to respond to CBRN in the PWs).

Course name Module 4 (Trainer) Course category
Course summary text:

Module Summary

Module 4 aims to enhance the understanding and skills needed to counteract terrorist threats directed at places of worship (PWs) and large religious gatherings. Its thematic scope delves into the practical aspects of activities designed to prevent and detect threats, thereby protecting religious sites such as churches, synagogues, mosques, among others. A crucial component of this module is the emphasis on responding to severe threats, including terrorist incidents. Module 4 focuses on enhancing measures to prevent, detect, and respond, ensuring better protection of PWs. Furthermore, it examines the intricacies of PW security management and emphasises the importance of cooperation within the local context.